Contact specialist office
If you have any further concerns outside of direct advice about your child, the contact persons at the specialist center will be happy to help you.
Heads of mother and father counseling centers
Heads of mothers and
fathers’ advice centres
Neighbouring cantons and
Principality of Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein Red Cross
Principality of Liechtenstein
Gertrud Gantenbein
00423 787 37 21
Emergency numbers
In exceptional emergencies or if you have specific concerns, please contact an external advice center.
Police emergency call
Fire Department Emergency
Offered hand
Emergency medical call
Tox Info Suisse
Toxicological Information Center
Telephone help for children and young people
Children’s emergency station at the Eastern Swiss Children’s Hospital
0900 144 100 (chargeable)
Children’s emergency ward at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich
0900 26 67 11 (chargeable)
Children and youth emergency number
0800 43 77 77
Emergency shelter for children and young people
071 525 00 05
Women’s shelter St.Gallen
071 250 03 45
Emergency room at St.Gallen Cantonal Hospital
071 494 11 11
Stephanshorn Clinic emergency room
071 282 74 74
Emergency room at Altstätten Hospital
071 757 43 47
Grabs Hospital emergency room
081 772 54 50
Emergency room at Linth Hospital
055 285 51 61
Wil hospital emergency room
071 914 65 35